Your congregational ethos is the dog that's wagging the tail (which is as it should be). The problem
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Your congregational ethos is the dog that's wagging the tail (which is as it should be). The problem
Music isn’t just a part of worship for today's generations – it is the primary act of worship.
I’ve coached and consulted with hundreds of pastors over the years and I’ve noticed a common thread in
Here's yet another excerpt from 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth. One of the missing ingredients in today’s
I caught an article in an old issue of Entrepreneur magazine (Oct 2103) by Sam Hogg, a professor at
There are lots of things that frustrate church consultants. For me, at least lately, the biggest bang-my-head-against-a-wall issue