308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com


April 3, 2014 0 Comments

Yesterday we looked at why it is so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and institute something

April 1, 2014 2 Comments

Two Axioms for Pulling the Trigger Why is it so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and

March 31, 2014 1 Comment

[fvplayer src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/MiscVideo/CommunionInstructionsLow.mp4' splash="http://21stcenturystrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CommunionPlayButton.png"] Click Image to Play Video This is one of the best guest-friendly introductions to communion

February 13, 2014 1 Comment

The latest blog post by Bill Easum sparked a number of lively conversations on both our LinkedIn and

February 8, 2014 3 Comments

Recently, on Bloomberg TV, The Titans featured Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg said something that all churches should

January 14, 2014 0 Comments

Our culture keeps on marching... and unfortunately, the North American church seems to fall further and further behind.