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The Daily Catalyst

The Church Growth Strategy Your Church Desperately Needs

A working church growth strategy

Word Count: 349 – Est Read Time: 90 Seconds

What’s Up? Churches have mistaken hope and wishful thinking for strategy—and it’s killing growth.

So What? If your church growth strategy hinges on “being faithful” and “waiting on God to bring people,” you’re not actually planning—you’re stalling. Faith without action doesn’t move the needle. It’s time to get real about strategy.

The Point Is

Hope Is Not a Strategy
Faith is essential, but James was clear—faith without works is dead. Simply preaching and “trusting God” without strategic outreach is wishful thinking, not disciple-making.

Wishful Thinking Won’t Fill the Pews
When leaders talk about “wanting to see more young families,” they rarely have an actual plan. Wishing and waiting won’t get them through the doors—intentional, strategic action will.

Strategies Drive Results
You need a real plan. Networking, community engagement, digital outreach, and relationship-building are strategies. Choose one, test it, adjust as needed, and execute with discipline.

Know When to Ditch What’s Not Working
Not every strategy will work immediately. But if six months pass and you see zero movement, stop beating the dead horse. Dismount. Adapt. Pivot. Try again. Growth is about learning and applying, not stubbornly doubling down on failure.

And …?
Most churches are on autopilot, coasting toward irrelevance, praying for God to “send people” while ignoring every proven method to actually reach them. Think about it—businesses that thrive don’t just “hope” customers will walk in. They market. They engage. They follow up. Churches? Many do nothing except open the doors and cross their fingers. That’s not faith; that’s laziness disguised as faith.

The world has changed. People don’t wake up on Sunday morning thinking, “I should really visit a church today.” If you’re not meeting them where they are, building relationships, and giving them a reason to engage, they’re not coming. Period. Strategy isn’t unspiritual; it’s responsible stewardship of the Great Commission.

Stop waiting. Identify one outreach strategy this month—digital ads, personal invitations, social media engagement—and execute it. Get your copy of The Four Key Strategies and start building momentum starting this week.