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The Daily Catalyst

The Prosperity Gospel: What’s Missing in Your Money Talk

what's missing in our money talk

Word Count: 431 – Est Read Time: <2 Minutes

What’s Up: Most pastors avoid the money talk from the pulpit, but a Lifeway study showed that more than 3 in 4 Protestant churchgoers believe God wants them to prosper financially. What gives?

So What: If churchgoers are looking to culture for their theology on wealth, pastors are missing a crucial opportunity to teach what the Bible actually says about money. The result? A congregation that’s more influenced by cultural norms than scriptural truths.

The Point Is:

  • Culture Is Preaching Louder: Over 76% of Protestant churchgoers believe in financial prosperity as part of God’s will, but most pastors are silent on the subject. That leaves culture to fill the void.

  • The Bible Talks About Wealth: Contrary to what some pastors seem to claim (by their silence), scripture has plenty to say about money, investments, and financial stewardship—and it’s not all about being poor.

  • Jesus Didn’t Shy Away: Teachings like the parable of the talents and Matthew 19:29 show that Jesus addressed wealth and investments with the expectation of wise management and Kingdom priorities. In fact, he talked about money and wealth more than any other topic other than the Kingdom of God!

  • Silence Isn’t Helping: By avoiding conversations about money, pastors are allowing misconceptions to flourish, leaving congregants to adopt cultural prosperity messages instead of biblical ones.

And … ?

Let’s not beat around the bush: pastors are dropping the ball when it comes to conversations about money. The LifeWay research makes it clear that churchgoers aren’t hearing much from the pulpit about financial prosperity—or, for that matter, financial stewardship. Instead, they’re forming their theology from external influences. 

This disconnect between pastors and congregants points to a larger issue: biblical teachings on wealth are being downplayed or ignored altogether. Sure, no one wants to dive headfirst into the Prosperity Gospel pool. But let’s not pretend that scripture doesn’t address the principles of wise financial management and the blessings that come with Kingdom-minded investments. From Jesus’ parables to Paul’s instructions, the Bible is filled with lessons on using resources wisely and generously.

It’s time for pastors to step up and address these topics head-on. Talking about money in a scriptural context doesn’t mean endorsing a Prosperity Gospel—it means giving congregants the tools they need to align their financial decisions with their faith. After all, if we’re not shaping the conversation, someone else will.


Start the conversation. Preach a series on biblical wealth principles, addressing both the blessings and responsibilities of financial stewardship. Need a resource? Check out our Grow Your Giving Inspiration File.